Sustainable Seafood Sales, LLC
Sustainable Seafood Sales, LLC

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Check out this great essay on a day fishing for cod aboard a two man longline vessel in Northwest Iceland:


One million ton cod stock in Newfoundland again on horizon
SEAFOOD.COM NEWS [by John Sackton] -- April 7, 2014 -- According to Dr. George Rose, the preeminent cod researcher in Newfoundland, the latest survey shows the Northern Cod stock in the Bonavista corridor is strongly rebounding.


“The stock could grow to 1 million tons if left alone,” said Rose.
He was speaking at memorial University about some of the preliminary results of a cod survey.
The stock is now around 200,000 tons, up from 135,000 tons in 2012. This is the same stock that was around 10,000 tons in the early 1990’s, after the cod moratorium.
Rose says that the age structure of the cod is excellent, with a lot of young fish.
This month, the Province will again embark on a cod research cruise with the Celtic Explorer, which has been chartered to study the comeback of the Northern cod.
We hope to have some video reports from Dr. Rose once that cruise is underway.


Icelandic Total Fish Catch Increased in December 2013

17 January 2014

ICELAND - The total catch by Icelandic vessels in December 2013 was 13.1 per cent compared to the same month in 2012, according to Statistics Iceland.

Total catch of Icelandic vessels in December 2013 was 50,421 tonnes compared to 42,814 tonnes in December 2012.

Demersal species accounted for 33,400 tonnes, thereof cod 19 thousand tonnes, haddock 3,300 tonnes, redfish 5,500 tonnes and saithe 3,000 tonnes. The pelagic catch was 15,400 tonnes, mostly herring.





See more at:


by Rachel Gotbaum - NPR

January 02, 2014


Good luck finding local cod in Cape Cod, Mass.

The fish once sustained New England's fishing industry, but in recent years, regulators have imposed severe catch limits on cod, and the fish remain scarce.

"I've never seen cod fishing this bad," says Greg Walinsky, who has been fishing on Cape Cod for more than 30 years. "It looks to me like it's over. And I can't catch any codfish."

It's so bad, many fishermen say, that for the first time, they cannot catch enough cod to even reach shrinking government quotas.

At , a seafood restaurant on the Cape, owner John Pontius says he has always served local cod, but the shortage caused prices to skyrocket. So for a while, he took it off the menu.

Now Pontius serves cod imported from Iceland. He is not alone.

"Everybody up and down the road has got the same cod from Iceland on their menu right now. If it's on the menu, it's more than likely Icelandic," he says.


Warm Waters Bring New Species to Gulf of Maine

November 1, 2013

Gulf of Maine Research Institute


Climate change has made the Gulf of Maine less hospitable to many cold-water species, such as cod and northern shrimp. New species from more southerly waters, however, have begun to show up with greater frequency.

These rapid shifts in distribution along the Atlantic coast are creating unprecedented challenges for fisheries managers.

"It is difficult for science and management to keep up with the rate of change we're seeing," said Jonathon Peros, GMRI Fisheries Technical Assistance Program Project Manager. "The velocity of climate change requires that we get out ahead of these changes and proactively address the fisheries we see emerging in the Gulf of Maine."

Peros recently worked with Mary Hudson, a masters student from University of Rhode Island and summer intern at GMRI, to publish "Preparing for Emerging Fisheries: An Overview of Mid-Atlantic Stocks on the Move" (

The report focused on the opportunities and challenges associated with seven species that have shown significant movement up the coast -- summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, longfin and Illex squid, Atlantic mackerel, and butterfish.

"Most stocks trending northward are currently managed by Mid-Atlantic fisheries managers," said Hudson. "If they continue to move into the Northeast, major changes will be required to support and develop these emerging fisheries."



(Photo Credit:ADFG)


High seafood landings in 2012 show successful sustainable efforts: NOAA

Friday, November 01, 2013


A new report released by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) reveals that the US seafood landings and value in 2012 experienced just a slight fall compared to the high landing and value levels a year earlier.

NOAA's annual report Fisheries of the United States 2012 describes that that year a total of 9.6 billion pounds of both shellfish and fish were landed by US commercial fishermen worth USD 5.1 billion. These figures are higher than the average recorded for the past ten years at 9.2 billion pounds worth USD 4.1 billion.

Finfish represented 86 per cent of the total landings but were only 47 per cent of the value.  

Dutch Harbor, in Alaska, had the highest amount of fish landed, mainly walleye pollock. 752 million pounds were landed in this port, compared to 706 million pounds in 2011. And the highest valued catch was represented by New Bedford, Massachusetts, due mostly to the highly valued sea scallop fishery.

“Healthy, sustainable fish and shellfish stocks are incredibly important to our nation’s social and economic fabric,” expressed Sam Rauch, acting NOAA assistant administrator for NOAA Fisheries.

Rauch considered that these high landings and value are proof of the efforts to put an end to overfishing that have been made for three decades in the US.

"Thanks to our partners, the regional fishery management councils and especially US fishermen, we now have some of the most responsibly managed, sustainable fisheries in the world,” the administrator added.


By Gabriela Raffaele


NOAA Releases New Video
Exploring U.S. Aquaculture
The world's fastest-growing form of
food production and a vital component of our food supply, aquaculture (fish or
shellfish farming) also supports commercial fisheries, coastal communities, and
working waterfronts and enhances habitat and at-risk
species. Take a look at the video linked
below to see the advantages, challenges, and growth
of aquaculture in our country.


What's happening?





Cod fillet - 16/32oz, 32oz+

Cod loin - 14oz+

Haddock fillet - 12oz+

Haddock loins 6-12oz


Haddock fillet - 6/8oz, 8/12oz




Frozen at sea Cod fillet

16/32oz (Iceland) Boston due

Frozen at sea Haddock fillet

12/16oz (Iceland) Portland due

Farmed kelp, block (USA) in stock Boston, Portland


"Cool Blue" brand tuna

Yellowfin tuna steaks, handline-caught, IVP (Vietnam) in stock Boston,NJ

Yellowfin tuna TruCenter loins, handline-caught, IVP (Vietnam) in stock Boston,NJ

Yellowfin tuna saku block, handline-caught, IVP (Vietnam) in stock Boston,NJ


"DeliSEAous" brand Ecuador shrimp

Headless shell-on wild caught

Headless shell-on farmed

Head-on shell-on wild caught

Peeled tail-on wild caught, farmed



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